We need vision, individually and corporately, in order to accomplish Yahweh’s will and purpose. Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no vision the people perish [cast off restraint]…”
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Habb. 2:1-3 I will stand at my watch, and set myself on the ramparts, and will look out to see what He will say to me, and what I will answer concerning my complaint. Yahweh answered me, ‘Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it hurries toward the end, and won’t prove false. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come. It won’t delay.
Key Principle #1: Yahweh already has a vision for your life. It is specific and there is an appointed time for its fulfillment
Eph 5:14-17 Therefore He says, “Awake, you who sleep, and arise from the dead, and Messiah will shine on you.” Therefore watch carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise; redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore don’t be foolish, but understand what the will of Yahweh is.
Key Principle #2: Yahweh wants you to know, pursue, and fulfill His will/vision for your life. You can’t pursue it until you know it; you can’t fulfill it if you don’t pursue it
Rom 8:28-30 “all things work together for good for those who love Yahweh, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
In order to walk in His way, it requires that we hear His voice. It’s not enough just to read His Word – we’ve got to know and obey His promptings and be led by His Spirit.
Yahshua said that whoever does the will of Yahweh, the same is His brother, His sister, and His mother (Mark 3:35).
Key Principle #3: Yahweh’s will defines our calling
The apostle Paul made clear on multiple occasions that His calling as an apostle was through the will of Yahweh (see 1 Cor. 1:1, among other scriptures). We would do well to recognize that the same is true of us. But two questions to consider are:
Is Yahweh’s vision for your life worthy of your time and effort to discover?
What price are you willing to pay to discover it? What price are you willing to pay to pursue it?
These are questions that only you can answer for yourself. But when you do, and when you commit yourself to discovering and pursuing His vision for you, there is nothing else in the world to compare to it. It is an exciting journey that will take you places you’ve never dreamed.
Key Principle #4: You cannot accomplish His vision for your life on your own!
We all need help in the journey, and we have to recognize that help when it shows up. Moses needed Aaron, then the 70 elders, as well as Joshua. We must have the discernment to know who is a part of the vision that He has given us.
If we want to make a true impact for His Kingdom, we also need to realize that our impact is based on some very practical things. In fact, we could express it this way:
Impact is a function of opportunity, preparation, timing, and taking proper action.
We must recognize opportunity when it presents itself, but we must first ensure that we’re prepared, that we’ve taken the right steps to equip ourselves. Then we have to know when to act and what specific actions to take at a given time.
So how do we identify and catch Yahweh’s vision for our lives? There are some simple, realistic steps we can take.
Key Practical Steps
- Seek Yahweh’s face, believing by faith that He wants you to know His vision for you!
- Make a list of core Bible principles/concepts that are most important to you
- Next make a list of the people whose lives you want to impact for the Kingdom… and that you’re willing to invest the time, energy, effort, and finances to do so?
- Also make a list of your main (ministry/biblical) strengths (i.e., gifts, anointings)
- Identify current weaknesses/potential stumbling blocks that could hold you back
- Who can be part of your “mastermind” group (trusted counselors, advisors, etc.)?
- Who can you partner with to be more effective?
To help you to begin the process of identifying His vision through these practical steps, download this worksheet: Catching Yahweh’s Vision for Your Life