Matt German is our founding pastor and elder. He was born and raised in Maryland and spent ten years in northwest Florida, where he met his wonderful wife, Danielle. Answering what he now recognizes as an apostolic call, he moved to Huntsville in 1999 with Danielle and their two amazing children. He was formally ordained as an elder in 2001.
Lion of Judah Family Worship Center (LJFWC) initially began as a home fellowship and still retains the feeling of family and home. Pastor Matt has a love for Yahweh and His Messiah, a heart for truth, and a passion to see lives transformed by the supernatural, resurrection power of the Spirit. His sincerity, down-to-earth preaching style, and revelatory teaching make LJFWC a comfortable place to worship and an ideal place to grow in the things of the Kingdom. He and all of the folks at LJFWC invite you to “come and experience the change!”
Below is a short video clip of Pastor Matt’s childhood experience as the son of one of the 52 Americans held hostage in Iran over 30 years ago. Visit our tools (“Free Stuff”) page to request a free DVD entitled “Freedom to the Captives”, which tells this amazing story of grace, faith, and forgiveness in much more detail.