About Us
Welcome and Greetings!
Lion of Judah Family Worship Center is a family of believers who come from many diverse backgrounds. The common ground that we share is a desire to worship our heavenly Father in Spirit and in Truth, relying upon the entirety of the Scriptures (both Old and New Testament) as the sole guide for our beliefs. We recognize that no individual or group has all the truth, and we believe that each of us has a personal responsibility to “prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.” (1 Thess. 5:21)
We call upon our heavenly Father by His personal, revealed, memorial Name – Yahweh (Exod. 3:15). This Name has been erroneously replaced over 6,500 times in most English versions of the Scriptures with a generic title – “the LORD” – yet most Bible scholars acknowledge that the Father’s Name in the original texts is, in fact, Yahweh.
We also hold to the promise that the Hebrew Messiah of Israel, Yahshua, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; that He is the literal Son of Yahweh, that He pre-existed with the Father, and that our salvation is in Him alone – Yahshua means Yahweh is Salvation.
Seekers of Truth
“Stand you in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way; and walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls” (Jer. 6:16)
The Adversary – the Defeated One (Satan) – has been trying to deceive mankind since the beginning, and he’s done a pretty good job of it. We’re striving to return to “the faith once delivered” (Jude 3) and follow obediently in the footsteps of Yahshua the Messiah.
We observe the weekly seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) and the annual festivals of Yahweh, just as Yahshua Messiah and His 1st Century disciples did (Luke 4:16; 22:8-15; John 7:2, 10; Acts 13:42-46, 17:2, 18:4, 18:21, 20:6, 20:16; 1 Cor. 5:7-8, etc.).
There are many sincere, committed individuals in the world who have become burned out on “religion” and religious programs, yet who long for true praise & worship, a sense of belonging, and close interpersonal relationships. If that sounds like you, know with assurance that you have a place with us.
Or perhaps you’re seeking a place of refuge from the storms of life. At Lion of Judah Family Worship Center, we make it our mission to encourage, exhort, and uplift each other. And when we come together for worship and fellowship, we don’t want to have just a “church service.” Rather, we want each gathering to be a life-changing encounter with Yahweh Almighty.
We welcome you in Yahshua’s Name. Come and be blessed!